FE Professionalism
Just over four
million 14 to 19-year-olds and adults are educated and trained through the FE
system each year. Courses and options are numerous and encompass a fully
comprehensive range of students. FE does not discriminate, why? It has a range
of highly skilled, professionally trained and continuously developed lecturing
The government proposes to halt this; to remove the necessity for
lecturers in FE to be professionally qualified, through its draft deregulatory
bill. The key driver for this is on the first page “Publication of the draft Bill is
the latest step in the Government’s on-going drive to remove unnecessary
bureaucracy that costs British businesses millions”.
Leaving aside, for a moment, the notion that this is designed purely to
save money, let’s consider the impact this would have.
Learners enter FE to gain a qualification. The relentless drive by this
and previous governments to qualify our young, middle aged and old, has
resulted in a plethora of qualifications, courses and options. The rhetoric is
well known; ‘you cannot expect to have a
worthwhile career without a qualification’. Is lecturing not ‘worthwhile’?
And yet, the government now proposes that those who lecture in FE do not
need a qualification to do so.
I find this deeply insulting and from the overwhelmingly positive
response to the topic on #UKFECHAT last week, staff in Further Education at all
levels agree.
At the start of my career as a lecturer, with two degrees and a PGCE was
I “Grade One”? No. I had subject knowledge yes, but more importantly; I had
training in, experience of and an understanding of educational methods and
pedagogy. I was miles ahead of those
without a qualification. Enabling me to develop learners, to bring out their
hidden talents, manage classrooms, and identify opportunities for learning in a
way that a non-qualified deliverer could achieve; qualifications are
measure of competence.
Those with subject experience can demonstrate how to plumb, wire or cut
hair etc. But the subject aspect, is only part of the package. I have witnessed
a number of people employed, brilliant in their own field complete with PhD,
utterly unable to connect with learners in their class. This has nothing to do
with their subject knowledge, but is directly related to their lack of
lecturing qualification.
An FE lecturer is a professional; Trained to do a job and do it well for
the most part. Continuous Professional Development as new theories, ideas,
models emerge enhances their initial training and continues to prepare them to
be better and more effective lecturers.
We have learners from age 14 upwards. In a School they would be taught
by Professionals with Teaching Qualifications alongside their subject specialism. A 14 year old in FE would have a ‘deliverer’.
Is the Government saying that they do not regard lecturers as worthy of
‘professional’ status but teachers are?
It would seem so.
Are FE lecturers are not equally deserving of Professional Status? If not,
then why are only the highly qualified eligible for QTLS to teach in Schools? I would say we most certainly are worthy of
Professional Status. This is dysphemism by the government of FE
FE teachers and lecturers – which ever name you prefer, or is that is
part of the problem? Are ‘lecturers’ somehow not as “valued” as ‘teachers’?
Labelling us one or the other does not change our Professionalism, which gives
us our ability to teach, yes, teach all the learners in our classrooms. We take
on all comers and we are incredibly successful at making their aspirations and
dreams come true. We achieve this because we are trained professionals, in both
education and subject.
If the government persists with this foolish and dangerous notion, standards
of achievement and progression in Further Education that we Professionals have
worked so tirelessly to improve will be decimated. Learners will leave
unqualified (surely no connection to the recently introduced measure of
‘retention’ rather than ‘success’), NEETs will rise and the UK economy will
suffer the greatest loss of emerging talent for generations.
FE is the engine of the British economy; to remove the need for
Professional status will not only result in poor educational standards, lack of
future talent, a waste of young people’s potential and economic misery for many
years to come. It will also be a betrayal of those who have worked so hard for
their professional status and their determination to pass that ethos on to the
learners they teach.
Does the government expect future generations to be taught
qualifications by unqualified deliverers? For standards to rise by removing the
framework that safeguards those standards?
Don’t remove our Professional Status; you will be removing the opportunity
to gain professional status for every learner in Further Education for the next
twenty years.
Update: Unfortunately, the Government are no respectors of professional behaviour and today (9th August 2013) announced that the deregulation bill had passed and the death knell for qualified staff in FE tolled.