Sunday, 10 November 2013

#FE Twitterati Who To Really Follow for FE goodness

There have been a number of posts lately rating people and suggesting who to follow on Twitter. Most of lists focus on Schools or general education theories, only one or two contained one or two people in FE; even the NCFE download from@FEWeek only mentioned the most high profile #FE flyers.

These posts are a bit like a Hunt Ball; if you're not up there in the 'social set' you don't get a look in. So this post is about and for those who really work in FE. The lecturers, teachers, Support Staff, MIS magicians, Curriculum and Middle Managers and yes, some of the great and the good too. Those at the front line of #FE.

All these people are worth a follow, their tweets and blogs contain wisdom, wit and searing honesty; they are FE to the core. And they are the views I look for and listen too.
To find more amazing FE people follow #UKFECHAT on Thursday at 9pm or go to for past chats.
They’re not in any particular order and not categorised. As a true FE person, I don’t believe in labelling anyone.
Genre Anthology from the insane minds behind @scrawlmovie. FE Lecturer making full length movies with his Level 3 BTEC students. On IMDB and just genius at creative ideas.

Promoting Women who excel in science, technology, engineering and math. Tweets by @sarahworsham (engineer) & @rieweb20 (scientist)

Teacher educator in UK, with interest in community development. Liking but not really trusting learning technology.

FE Teacher interested in collaborative learning. I tweet about education, share resources and question everything.

Julie O'Regan ‏ @JulieORegan Learning Technology Manager in FE college

Dave Burgess ‏ @burgessdave Teacher/speaker who teaches how to live and teach with passion, enthusiasm, and increased creativity. Author of Teach Like a PIRATE

Education Matters ‏ @DurhamEdMatters Providing Durham Students with a forum to debate Educational issues. Want to attend a meeting (in person/via Skype)? Email 


Director of Operations & Lsect. A big fan of all things FE and politics. Member of Labour Party UK.

Tom Cunningham ‏ @teaching_tom Trainee Teacher at Bridgwater College, Somerset. Specialise in Horticulture & Countryside Management. Views my own.

Jisc RSC YH ‏ @JISC_RSC_YH Jisc RSCs work with more than 2,000 UK learning providers to improve performance and efficiency through the use of technology. Tweets mainly by Christine.

Ian Hirst ‏ @ianhirst101 Curriculum leader Oldham College

Earthling currently residing in Hants. Former teacher, currently IT Trainer/Learning Technologist. Newshound, interested in most stuff - wannabe Uncaged Monkey! 

Further and Higher Education marketing communications manager, over-eater and amateur idler.

#FE lecturer. Now Assessor/Trainer & Lecturer in Leadership & Business @mkcollege. PGCEA (Surrey), MA in Ed (Open), plus .... Life.

Anna ‏ @cloud_burst I teach computing in an FE College. I also mentor new members of staff. Always looking for new ways to improve learning

Advanced Practitioner for Outstanding FE provider. e-learning, digital media & blogging are common activities.

Student, blogs on  about upcoming STEM opportunities for students

Director of Learning (HE in FE). I tweet to participate. Follow me to make a difference in adult and vocational education, teacher development and research.

Adult education enthusiast and campaigner. Director for Education with WEA - @WEAadulted. Personal tweets but mostly work-related. Blog: 

onlyFE is an independent #digital #recruitment #mediabuyer specialising in recruitment for the #FurtherEducation sector. Follow us for FE jobs, news and more.

Sound Designer, Digital Music Producer, Music Technology Lecturer, love bikes and like to lift heavy things now and then. Dalla Sicilia con furore!

Mother, friend, veg' plot owner, camper, dancer and cook. Work in FE College - AD in FS area.

News, comment and jobs for the FE community, including advice and debate on our FE leadership and management hub.

Member of the infamous #geekclub. Mum. Wife. 16-19 Maths tutor. A little obsessed with a certain Doctor. All opinions, ramblings, thoughts are my own.

We set and regulate data standards for further education providers in England. Main tweeter Greta Smalley, on behalf of @theia

Sarah Ledger ‏ @sezl Cagoule owner.

Chief Executive of the EMFEC Group Incorporating ABC Awards & Leader & Trustee @SCVchurch. Tweeting in a personal capacity.

I teach in further education and do some other stuff
Vice President (Further Education) of @nusuk, representing 7 million students.

I am a college lecturer interested in economic justice. Jungians visit my website for shadow animations. 

Blogging about education and education research.

Regional organisation representing and serving FE Colleges in South East England

Creator of Filmumentaries (TM) - Star Wars Begins, Building Empire, Returning to Jedi, Raiding the Lost Ark and Inside Jaws. EVS and FCP editor. Work in F1. 

Close approximation of an FE English teacher. Writes for Teach Secondary Magazine. Read my blog.

Supporting all learning and skills providers to improve.

Technology for further education & training providers. The complete online learner management platform; Improving delivery, reporting and compliance.

Love further education, BCoT, music, family, football and films - in the rare event that I express an opinion, it is my own.

Delivering outstanding Apprenticeships for 20+ years. Expertise in Quality Assurance & development of organisational cultures. All views are my own.

Give me a camera and I get shutter happy. If you ever need a Production Assistant, i'm your gal. Half Day Wednesday. 

The Education and Training Foundation

CEO Apprenticeships 4 England, Ambassador at European Alliance for Apprenticeships Largest App Group LinkedIn 16k Members 

Wildlife management lecturer, writer and college shoot manager. 2013 Nuffield Scholar studying landbased education around the world. #Nuffield13

Head of Department at Kirklees College. Interests inc. education, UK FE, life long learning, West Yorks. Views my own, not org. RT doesn't always mean agree

Deputy Principal at @TheMcrCollege. *Manchester has everything except a beach.* Now we have everything.

Maths Teacher, Re-enactor, Gamer.

Husband, father, terrier owner, U2 fan of 25yrs, cycling/hiking enthusiast and course leader for an outstanding computing course in a UK FE college.

Director of Higher Education at MidKent College, writer and history nut - but mostly tweets about Dr Who, football and comedy.

Assistant Principal at Glasshouse College Stourbridge. Committed SEN educator. Views are my own.

Working in science education – want more people to feel the excitement of doing some science, and enjoy the puzzle of messy evidence.

Course co-ordinator @bcot Genius chef and teacher

Education, technology; stuff like that. Never going to be a social media guru. But will tweet with interesting people. For expanded opinions, check out blog .

FE Advanced Practitioner & EdD student. Interested in: e-learning, personalised learning, creativity & collaboration. All views my own

Teacher/instructor - ICT, environmental & outdoor education. Helping kids to be big & clever since 1994. Likes playing & working outdoors.

Head of English, maths, ESOL, LDD and ALS in a Yorkshire FE college.All tweets are personal and do not represent the views of the organisation I work for.

Fine Art, Education, Leadership and Creativity. Principal of Totton College. Leading Learning; Sharing Success.

Teacher of Science at Dawlish Community College, Ipad user! attempting to bring new ideas into my room and then school! Tweets are all my own.

Marketing coordinator. desire to be successful and see places. love: Italy, Disney, family, Wales, travel, gelato, sweets, Views are my own.

Tech-Educator seeking e-learning Utopia.

Teacher/researcher/writer in CRADLE @wlv_uni. Tweets are personal views about #teacherdevelopment, #teaching, #CPD & interface between policy-practice-pedagogy

A grassroots FE teacher who believes in adult education but despairs at what has become of it.

FE Manager 

FE tutor and assessor in a college. LOVE WINE!

FE Head of English in East Midlands college

Account run by Lauren McCann - ILT Trainer at BCoT. Posts are ILT & technology-related & aimed at sharing ideas & promoting technology use at BCoT & beyond.

Politics lecturer. Author of 19 books on Politics for HarperCollins. Former Councillor&Political Consultant. Opinions are my own. Retweets may not be.

Researching and writing about Digital Literacies and Language. 90% watching YouTube. 10% Writing. FE Teacher. Host of #YthEmpChat

SpEd/SEN educator & I get to run a college department that supports social/emotional & academic needs. I love what I do & am always learning!

Economics and Business Teacher Barton Peveril College, Southampton. Mother to wonderful girls and stepmother to wonderful boy! juggler of time!

A northern lass living in Surrey. Teaching Science & Forensics at FE college in Hampshire. These are my opinions, go get your own.

Welcome to Runway Training, a company dedicated to providing specialist maths and English support for adult learners #functionalskills #Entrepreneur

Outside loving, jam making, doglet owning, gundog training, climbing, ADHD, FEteaching #futureprincipal 

English and Literacy Consultant: Innovate English; Digital Coach - Digital Youth Academy & Frontier Coaching; Director: Proof Personal - online proofreading.

Head of National Skills Academy Materials, Production & Supply @NSA_MPS @ProskillsUK. Authoritative skills & training provision guru. UK based / global market.

@nusuk National President. Tweeting in personal capacity about Labour, education, feminism, politics, football, cricket and boys. 

Producers behind quality horrors Scrawl and Motto and more...

Listening to learners is central to solving many challenges currently facing the education community. INFORM - CONSULT - INVOLVE - COLLABORATE - EMPOWER

JemRycraft ‏ @jemrycraft Brilliant tutor and Performing Arts lecturer

A network full of Jobs, apprenticeships, experts, org's, charities, businesses & more. Add your opportunity by Emailing us today .

Loud Londoner living in countryside, working in Further Education :) My views, not those of the College :)

Head of Performance and Quality Standards Coventry College is an online media portal showing the best in student film, television and radio. Populated exclusively by students of Vision West Notts.

Engineer, accepting of the fact that men cannot multi-task. Dragging students kicking and screaming to the fountain of knowledge since 2003.

Lecturer and Advanced Practitioner at an FE college in the UK.

Director of Commercial Engagement at The Manchester College & Director @BPSHull: Family - Innovation - Education - Skills - Business - Enterprise: My opinion

ESRC Doctoral Researcher at University of Nottingham. All about finishing the PhD in 2013. And the part time MOOC development. All own views. 

FE lecturer interested in all aspects of education. Mum of two. Real ale fan. Love cheese!

FE Funding Manager for CACHE. Views are my own. Craft beer, THFC, food, sport, rock. Hertfordshire.

Work in Further Education. Tweeting about Technology, Tech Startups & #EdTech issues. Regular at #ukfechat & #EdTechChat

Teacher, manager, administrator, trainer-enthused by enthusiasm. Excited by being Director of Iris Connect. Empowering teachers to improve schools.

Inspiring women to achieve their potential as engineers, scientists and leaders and assisting educators, managers and employers in making this happen.

Teacher Learner. Interests; Cultural Literacy, Future Proofing, Hierarchy of Subjects. Teaches people who say that they can’t, that they can. Is not a real Dr

Mostly I am reading. Sometimes I post stuff...

Co-founder Mesma edu leadership software. FE adviser. Chair School Gov. Chats about education & enterprise.

Wearer of several hats. If you're going to follow me be sure to stop by for a chinwag every now and again. 

Tweeting from a personal capacity and non work related. Working in Futher Education for a large provider

FE professional, passionate educator, sports mad cycling fan, football coach and manager

New to Team Primary Dig Lit/Computer Sci PGCE/BEd at Plymouth Uni Those who can do, those who can’t teach, those who can’t teach .. err ... teach teachers

Scott Hayden - Lecturer/Tutor of Creative Media Production @ Basingstoke College of Technology and Absolute Genius!

Marketing & PR Executive specialising in Marketing & PR for Schools, Academies and FE Colleges

Further education policy wonk. Drummer. Trainee adult ed teacher. Huge @ChiliPeppers fan. Tweeting in personal capacity.

Driven, pragmatic and compassionate FE Sociology & English tutor/relatively awesome gal. I bake, write (profusely), sing (badly) and daydream. #ukfechat

Opening new employment pathways for young people with talent, passion and energy. Forget the money-grabbers and egomaniacs, follow those who care, and do stuff!

Teaching & Learning - New & Next Practices - Technology Enabled Learning - Social Media for Education. Run by Karen Manuel, my opinions are my own.

Manager of Jisc regional support centre north west England. Interests: technologies & pedagogies which can improve teaching & learning. Views are my own.

Using technology to deliver high-quality nationwide Functional Skills and #Apprenticeships. We change lives through learning

Behaviour Expert Academy. Teacher in FE. Founder of Can Do Courses. CPD and Accredited ADHD training for educators. #ukfechat

Co-Author of Tech Story, Twitter in FE, Bus Dev Ideas for FE & Culture in FE. Passionate about Education, #EdTech & #Startups. Check out @EdTech_Stories too.

The Inspire & Achieve Foundation aims to create brighter futures for disadvantaged young people through outreach activities & bespoke programmes of provision.

Digital Learner and Teacher. Interested in Web 2.0, Games based immersive learning, OpenSim, Sailing and Enville Ginger.

Astronomy Consultant, Freelance Sci Writer/Comms. FRAS, Pro-Am Prog Manager, FAS speaker, STEM Ambassador,Research Associate #LARI

Frank Fearn ‏ @FrankFearn STEM Advisor, South London (STEMNET London)

MIS Professional, a range of opinions on all FE funding and data issues, all of which are my own and not necessarily those of my employer (or anyone else).

Ed4Me’s latest Education project is creating new awards in Etiquette and Manners alongside awards in Confidence and Behaviours

Works in FE, writes for @tes @fefocus & @ifl_members magazine. Trekking the Sahara for @iandafoundation Please sponsor me.... Every quid makes a difference. Funny, Smart & Lovely.

Principal & CEO of @warwickshirecol, a @gazellefe Founder Principal, committed to creating entrepreneurial colleges.

Set up to progress detailed consultation, investigation and resolution before the new organisation could be formed, we have now handed over to @E_T_Foundation

Lantra Skill Council ‏ @LantraSSC
Raising skills. Backing business. At Lantra we’re committed to helping land-based businesses access the training, skills and knowledge they need. 

Edu effectiveness: evidence-based classrooms, teacher expertise, science of learning. Exploring STEM pedagogy at isaacnewtonsixthform

Principal of East Kent College, 5,000 students. Mission: Committed to developing the prosperity and well-being of the communities we serve. Cricket fan

Inspiring+supporting young people aged 13-25 to set up and deliver their own social action projects about the issues that matter to them. Powered by @vinspired

Principal & Chief Executive Bedford College;Co-founder of the 157 Group; Adviser to the Skills Funding Agency;Guitarist with This Way Up and Atticus Finch

Writer/Director of horror 'Scrawl'. Sometime Editor/Producer. Purveyor of quality sarcasm. Lecturer of things mentioned above. Contributes to @HorrorCultFilms

Assistant Principal Curriculum at Burton and South Derbyshire College. Views expressed are my own. 

Director of Operations @feweek & Lsect. A big fan of all things FE and politics. Member of Labour Party UK.

I'm senior researcher at the Centre for Real-World Learning (with Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas), follow me for latest research in learning and education

Follow and read @FEweek newspaper for hot news, analysis and jobs from across the Further Education sector

A Director with specialist knowledge of work based learning, Assessment Strategies and Quality Assurance.

Adult College, providing a wide range of daytime, evening and weekend courses to the residents of Havering and beyond! 

Vice Principal @bsdcofficial Tweeting in a personal capacity and sharing info on education, learning, quality and elearning. Views not that of employer

Malcolm Ferguson ‏ @Maccas55 Expert in FE, talker of Common Sense

The Institute for Learning (IfL) is the professional body for teachers and trainers in further education (FE) and skills

Passionate about everything and anything to do with teaching and learning. I only follow back teachers and educators.

Director, National Apprenticeship Service, Central Division, and the UK's Official Delegate - WorldSkills UK

Head of New Ventures National Qualifications Body, Consultant, Lecturer, Teacher, Manager , Community Education, Colleges, Vocational Learning, Own Opinions

Director with a passion for life-long learning, Apprenticeships, SoMe, vocational training, rugby and the power of technology and collaboration to change lives.

CEO at NIACE, working for a society where more people can participate in and benefit from learning throughout their lives 

FE Manager and Consultant for Engineering and Construction Trades, specialising in improving failing areas. Chess enthusiast. Views expressed here are my own.

Education PR when not being marvellous elsewhere

Reporter at the Times Educational Supplement, CIPR FE Journalist of the Year 2012. Tweets at @tes. Blogs at @FEFocus. All views mine.

: Education Marketing PR Associates specialising in Marketing & PR for Schools, Academies and FE Colleges. We work all over the UK. Tweets by Ruth Sparkes.

Teaching #STEM is a networking and information service for #Science, #Technology, #Engineering and #Mathematics teachers and educators in schools and colleges.

Lecturer of Journalism in FE/HE. Writer for @fcbusiness @twentyfour7 and InTuition. Tweets on media, music, sport, QPR and photography. Views my own.

Former Vice-President of Higher Education @nusuk - Campaigning for 7 million students. Currently, I am the Events & Fundraising Manager for Syria Relief.

CEO of 157 Group,representing 30 UK large urban colleges- worked in FE for 32years - still loving every minute, besotted granny. Leadership geek.

PhD student researching Usable Security at UAD. Lab tutor, computing geek, rubbish guitarist, amateur photographer and music lover. Views are my own.

Advisor on Further Education funding policy. Working with Training Providers, Employers, Government bodies & Awarding Organisations.

The UK's first dedicated website to help young apprentices locate 1,000's of available #apprenticeships across the UK. Are you the next #apprentice.

ESOL Lecturer, Translator (ES/CA-EN), Currently wondering more why I'm not in Argentina. All views solely my own(!).

Tweets and information relating to the further education sector in the UK

Managing director of Lsect, editor of the newspaper FE Week, author of  & dad to Daniel & Thomas. #loveFE

So there you go; people who work in or support FE. Follow them, and why not recommend some to me too.
