Pot holes annoy me, John Bishops lairy blokiness instead of Graham Norton's waspish acid bath on a Saturday morning infuriates me, no Gooseberries at the local Farmers market; August, can be an irritating month.

August though is the month when irritation levels reach
fever pitch and no matter how urgent the news elsewhere; Ebola, War, Cruelty of
unspeakable levels are brushed aside to bash education.
A level and GCSE results are out soon and the perennial
battle between Good and Evil sans George Lucas, pervades our senses. Have
standards fallen, have they risen, are students brighter, is teaching better,
is learning greater?
Data, if you need it http://www.bstubbs.co.uk/a-lev.htm
and http://www.bstubbs.co.uk/gcse.htm
and http://www.bstubbs.co.uk/new.htm
is here, good data too and the answer seems clear.

These things I know; I’ve been privileged to teach students
of all abilities. I’ve spent time in PMLD and LLDD areas where measuring the ‘achievement’
of a nonverbal, wheelchair bound student involved me learning how to interpret miniature
facial movements and a slightly different smile. I’ve seen students whose main
achievement over a year was to turn up on time, sober; others whose main achievement
was to not thump someone when they got a sum wrong. Students on A level and
BTEC programmes struggling to balance work, study, family difficulties and
issues that would fell many adults.

Achievement, so easily measured in a spreadsheet, splashed
across the news and dismissed by myriad experts in a miasmic ‘kill fest’ of
standards bashing, doesn’t cover their achievement; nor does it recognise the
huge and largely unsung heroics of the teaching staff who produced the GCE and
GCSE success alongside other, less newsworthy but more heart-warming
So this year, celebrate the top line and admire the
achievements but ignore the ‘bashers’, those politicised death-eaters who are
flown out yearly to suck the joy from the students’ achievement.
Remember that under
each column lies thousands of individual success stories that defy
categorisation but tell a greater story of college success. The determination
of teaching and lecturing staff, in partnership with a student cohort that took
advantage of every opportunity we gave them.
That’s the success story.