Thursday 20 November 2014

Have your say on our future

Ofsted are currently seeking our views on Inspections, details here

They are designing a new framework for the inspection of maintained schools, academies, further education and skills providers, non-association independent schools and registered early years settings.

To do this, they are seeking the widest possible range of views from those who have an interest in these different types of providers to ensure that the new inspection framework takes proper account of the needs and circumstances of all interested parties.

The closing date for the consultation is 5 December 2014..

If you work in FE you know there are many issues surrounding Inspections, Lesson Observations and Grading.

I know that as a scientist, I never again want to be observed and judged on my teaching by a Tap Dance teacher, who states "I know nothing about science, I hated it at school"

Fills you with confidence, doesn't it?

This is your chance, to have your say; don't waste it.

Good communications and consultation are central to the inspection process. All F.E. employees need to communicate and consult with Ofsted to exchange information across the sector.

F.E. is so diverse, no one organisation can understand or know what F.E. truly is, just by observation.

This is our opportunity to express our views and concerns, to those who can change the way Inspection are run and Lessons are observed.

But only if we tell them!

Opinions expressed now will shape our future, our careers, learning and teaching, student success and the development of F.E. as a constant presence in educational excellence.

If you #loveFE, don't waste this opportunity to shape the future. Or you won't have any right to complain when the new framework doesn't work for you.

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