I don’t often buy a ticket, maybe once a year or so, and I don’t
live in Worcester, so I know it’s not me. Every time I do buy one though, I
photograph it with my phone, so if I lose it or accidentally put it in the
washing machine, I’ve got a record of the thing. It’s quick, simple and cheap; words beloved by
Government and Financial Directors.

I’ve always encouraged students to photograph each other’s good work to provide them with a visual revision record and often, just photographing a screen is quicker than send to printer, then running around a building looking for the printer.
I once worked in a college where one campus was 21 miles from the other. Driving there to get my printing because the system wasn’t properly configured was pointless.
#FELTAG has put forward many fine ideas for using
Technology in Education and the government’s recent decision not to fund online
learning at a lower rate should be acknowledged as a nod to understanding that
online learning matters. To ‘learn online’ though requires tech, infrastructure
and availability.
Tom Starkey @tstarkey1212 recently tweeted that his business
cards were not printed in time for an event, and asked for help. Tom is a smart
man, giving advice on using technology in education but even he needed to collaborate on technology so he could move over to
using an App to electronically produce and send his business cards.
This is the dichotomy for me; smart, technologically
aware education experts and teachers that fully appreciate the value of using
tech in teaching and learning don’t always think laterally and apply it to
their own lives. That's why we need so much more collaborative practice.
Embedding tech into our lives, to make them easier, surely has to be the basis of our experience for embedding it into teaching and learning? That is why we need to share and keep sharing ideas, so we can learn.
Embedding tech into our lives, to make them easier, surely has to be the basis of our experience for embedding it into teaching and learning? That is why we need to share and keep sharing ideas, so we can learn.
If we don’t do it, how can we teach it?
Clearly more is needed than knowledge of technology and
how it can be applied. There has to be an identified need and an identified
solution but whilst the identification can be as simple as spotting something
on a tweet, the matching process is nowhere near instant with a full teaching
load and lack of equipment.
Teaching staff need time to explore the use of tech, it
cannot be ‘applied’ to a lesson in a top down fashion, as you would select
extra Hoisin Sauce to go with your Crispy Duck.
Students who take a test online, ticking a box to select
an answer are not using technology for learning. There is no difference in
ticking a box with a mouse to ticking a box with a pencil and if that is how
tech is to be applied, then we are fooling ourselves and cheating the students.
Developing tech for effective learning requires patience,
a supportive atmosphere and collaboration. All of which is expensive and not
generally funded. Those who excel at tech such as Scott @bcotmedia do so
because they have a natural talent and invest every moment of their time into
the projects with unparalleled enthusiasm. We could all invest the time, but sadly
few of us have his natural talent.
But given the right environment, access and support, we
can learn.
One of the most popular #ukfechat topics recently was the
hugely successful and much appreciated Using Digital Tools
by @ChrisLKirk which clearly demonstrated the need for more collaborative
effort in using technology in TLA. People want to know how, what to use, new
ideas and applications, to learn from each other and build on existing
expertise and experience.
Teachers/Lecturers don’t want to see Pink computers for girls
and Blue ones for boys, they don’t want to see students sat at terminals, bored
and lifeless whilst they tick boxes on a test, they don’t want to have quotas
imposed on their teaching to mention IT or Technology X times a lesson in order
to hit an ambiguous target.
Teaching staff it would seem want the fundamental basics
to be available so they can develop their skills and knowledge.
The opportunity to experiment with technology, to hear
the learner views on our efforts and their impact, to share our results and
experiences, without fear of repercussion.
They would like to have access to more than one trolley
of laptops which in a one hour lesson takes 40 minutes to log onto the system
and are only available on alternate months with an X in the name, provided you
book them the day you start your job.
Teachers would like to have rooms that have internet
access, rooms where mobile phone signals work so they can use Socrative.
They would like a computer system that isn’t based on
Windows 2000
They would like a firewall that doesn’t stop Sports
lecturers from accessing Middlesex Cricket Ground
They would like to have access to technology in the same
way that management teams have iPads for their data management needs and feel
that they have parity when it comes to the distribution and funding of
They would like investment, not on paper but practically
in time, support and equipment.
Even now, there are colleges that have large
areas with no computer access at all in classrooms.
They would like to see technological opportunities for Teaching, Learning and Assessment that isn't a Lottery.
Too much technological investment has been into the ‘chalk and talk’
model, with the teacher at the front, one computer and an IWB, at the front.
Teaching and learning has moved on but the technology still has a ‘buffer face’.
Technology that is simple, effective and useful should be
as available as Oxygen; using it should be osmotic not just ‘embedded’'. Until
these fundamental issues are addressed, Teaching Learning and Assessment that
benefits from the use of technology, to enhance the TLA, will be a long time coming.
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